DS Smith awarded at WorldStar

The WorldStar Global Packaging Awards jury awarded DS Smith Denmark’s Arla Unika winner in the food-category and DS Smith Sweden’s funeral coffin winner in the ‘Other’ category and DS Smith Austria's ​​packaging for door bands in the category 'Constructive'.

Three DS Smith packaging designs were admitted to participate to the WorldStar competition  and, out of 345 packaging solutions from 35 countries, three of those were finally recognised with the global award.

The e-commerce packaging solution developed for Arla Unika is a product that keeps the cool temperature during transport and replaces the EPS packaging previously used. The cardboard packaging contains fibre-based insulating material to keep the cool and protect from humidity. Easy to open, the greeting card on the inner cover delights the end user’s unboxing experience.

The funeral coffin made of cardboard brings great benefits for both the environment and the funeral industry. The practice of cremation requires energy and creates unnecessary emissions. At the same time, large spaces are required for both empty transports and storage. DS Smith  cardboard coffin is transported and stored folded, meeting the needs of robustness and costs significantly less than traditional wooden coffin.


The made-to-measure packaging for door bands ensures optimal protection and stability during the transport. The complete construction made of corrugated cardboard was developed together with the client and can professionally transport up to 13 different types of bands without colliding.

WorldStar Awards is the global packaging design competitions of its kind, recognizing the most innovative and sustainable packaging solutions. Each year WorldStar receives more than 300 entries from more than 35 countries around the world.