500 corrugated cardboard playhouses for children in Germany

Year after year, Christmas is a wonderful occasion to bring joy to others. As the pre-Christmas period will be a little quieter this year, due to Covid-19, the town has come up with something very special: 500 children's playhouses made of corrugated cardboard for children in Noerdlingen. These were developed and produced by DS Smith, one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable packaging solutions.

Erlensee/Nördlingen, 25 November 2020. A visit to the Christmas market with carousel, hot drinks and sausages is an annual highlight for many children. Unfortunately, this will not be possible this year in Nördlingen. However, in order to have a joyful surprise ready for as many children as possible this year, the town of Nördlingen has launched a Christmas campaign. Children in Nördlingen can take one of a total of 500 playhouses made of corrugated cardboard home with them.

Übergabe WP-Spielhäuser_920.jpgBildquelle: Christina Atalay.

"When we heard about the campaign, we were spontaneously enthusiastic," emphasises Michael Lamprecht, Cluster Director South at DS Smith Germany/Switzerland. "Our design team has developed a creative playhouse which, just like a real house, has an entrance door and windows and can therefore be 'lived in'. But the best thing is that the children can paint it individually and creatively. In the end, every little house owner will have his or her very own playhouse”.

David Wittner, Lord Mayor of Nördlingen, says: "This year, many will be more at home during the Advent season than in previous years. It is important for us that we can set a positive example with this campaign and bring joy to children and their parents". 


The coveted houses can be picked up at the Tourist Information on the market square from 1 December 2020. The campaign also includes a design competition with many attractive prizes. The city will publish more detailed information on this on 1 December 2020, just in time for the distribution of the playhouses.

As the playhouses are made of 100% corrugated cardboard, they can be easily disposed of in waste paper at the end of their life and are thus a valuable raw material for new paper-based products. This is in line with the new DS Smith sustainability strategy "Now. And next.", in which the Group has committed itself amongst others to producing 100% reusable or recyclable packaging at all its sites by 2023. For more information, please visit www.dssmith.com/jetztundzukuenftig.