DS Smith introduce sustainable fibre-based packaging for distributor confectionary portfolio in time for Easter 2024

We partnered with Filir d.o.o, a distributor of some of the world’s best known confectionary brands to Croatia, to remove traditional plastic packaging for Easter snacks and candies and replace with a sustainable fibre-based solution in time for Easter.

The new packaging is 100% recyclable sustainable packaging solution and designed to contain less materials and minimise waste. It has an extended lifecycle for reuse as a gift bag. Key features include a locking system that is intended to prevent the chocolate boxes from being opened before use.

The product is part of a unique ‘unboxing’ experience whereby the product inside is intended to be a surprise. The chocolate boxes are easy to assemble and fitted with a corrugated cardboard carry handle for additional versatility and usability.

The DS Smith team of designers applied their unique Circular Design Metrics (CDM) approach to rate and compare the circularity of the packaging designs across eight different indicators. The Circular Design Metrics, an industry first, give a clear indication of a packaging design’s sustainability performance, and where to focus attention. The new packaging is 100% recyclable, and reusable, and manufactured to keep the product and materials in use for longer.

Jasmina Cuković, Cluster Innovation Specialist, DS Smith Packaging Croatia:

"We have been delighted to participate in this plastic replacement project and the primary challenge was to develop a creative packaging solution to maintain and build on the functionality of this popular Easter gift, while maintaining an arresting and recognisable shelf presence for the supermarkets and vendors”.

DS Smith introduce sustainable fibre-based packaging for distributor confectionary portfolio in time for Easter 2024