Download our WhitePaper 'Transforming the supermarket aisle' here

 1.5 million tonnes of plastic could be replaced each year from supermarkets across Europe.

In collaboration with White Space  we've identified five areas where plastic packaging could be replaced. These include:

  • Plastic display trays: Often overlooked as shoppers don’t take them home, the report says these could be replaced by fibre alternatives
  • Fresh produce punnets: These could be substituted with corrugated punnets as trialled by Waitrose for Duchy Organic grapes in January 2019, according to the study
  • Shrink wrap: Used to wrap nearly all soft drinks at some stage, the study says this could be replaced by corrugated and glue dot alternatives
  • Ready meal trays: A complex area but one where innovations are being made
  • Meat, fish and cheese packaging: Not currently a high priority but a large section of the market and therefore the research identifies this as an opportunity

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