Metallic packaging

Racks and trains with multimaterial internal conditionning made to measure to the products

Metallic packaging solutions that are robust, reusable and valid for many designs and applications.

Our metallic packaging design stand out among other packages because of its space optimization, thanks to internal fittings developed bespoke the product to transport. Maximizing in this way the quantity of product per metallic container.

We have two different ranges of packaging: Metallic racks with internal fittings, which are also stackable and Lean Trains that can be hitched between them and to a wheelbarrow, so they are very easy to move and can go directly to assembly line.

Key avantages

  • Excellent protection of the product thanks to internal fittings
  • Multitude of dispensation ways of the product
  • Maximum accessibility to the product
  • Very robust and with long useful lifetime
  • Lean optimization