Export packaging: guarantee of optimum service

At DS Smith Tecnicarton we offer solutions according to the needs of each customer and their product, able to withstand the demands of maritime transport

When a company decides to start a business outside our borders it must take into account multiple factors such as legal regulations, restrictions, import quotas, marketing... but there is one element that is sometimes not given too much attention but that is essential to ensure an optimal service: the choice of packaging..

When exporting, choosing the right packaging for the characteristics of the goods is essential to ensure that the product arrives in the best conditions, complying with the regulations required by the country of destination and thus becoming a faithful reflection of our brand image.

Packaging becomes even more important in the case of dangerous goods exports. Here, having homologated packaging that has been expressly designed to withstand extreme conditions of temperature, pressure and impact will be a guarantee of success in operations.

But what is the perfect packaging for my export?

Regardless of the type of packaging chosen, the main thing is that it adapts to the type of goods we are going to transport, allowing the product to be perfectly placed and distributed.

Another important aspect is safety during transport. The material must reach its destination is the optimal conditions required by the customer, avoiding any kind of blow or abrasion that may compromise the quality of the goods.

Finally, packaging that is easy to handle both by the transporter and by the user who receives the goods, that allows optimisation of space during transport and that complies with the strict controls required in the sector, are other factors to be taken into account.

At DS Smith Tecnicarton we design and manufacture export packaging depending on the needs of the client and their products, in such a way that it is easily accessible for large and bulky products which, due to their characteristics, require complicated packaging; capable of withstanding the demands of sea transport and saving 90% of the space occupied in the delivery of empty packaging and its storage.