Outstanding gift pack awared

Every year, the Austrian paper industry awards outstanding products with Printissimo for exceptional printing and Embalissimo for innovative packaging solutions. This year, 25 projects out of more than 170 submissions were nominated for awards.

On the  6th of May, the award ceremony of the Printissimos and Embalissimos 2008 took place in Vienna. The multi purpose wine gift packaging from SCA Packaging Welpa was nominated for the Embalissimo 2008 in the category "Gewelltes".

The primary pack encapsules the wine bottle but at the same time allows for readabanility of the bottle lable. Via the die-cut fold-out stand, the wine bottle can be put on the table in an inclined position whilst being a decorative element. The wine bottle advertises and at the same time has a thermo function, as the packaging embeds cool air.

An integrated space feature allows the packaging to be used for almost all bottom sizes. The protective packaging and the primary wine packaging were placed on one cutting die - so one set is always complete - and were printed in 5 colour flexo-post-print.

For further information please contact:

Monika Klee, Sales Manager SCA Packaging Welpa