Witzenhausen Mill delivers energy efficiency training with Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce

DS Smith’s paper mill in Witzenhausen, Germany, shared its energy management expertise with local apprentices as part of the Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce energy scout training programme.

Witzenhausen Paper Mill has recently worked with the Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CIC) to offer their qualification programme to local apprentices as part of an initiative focusing on energy transition and climate protection. Kassel-Marburg CIC is one of Germany’s biggest chambers of commerce, representing over 75,000 member enterprises in Northern Hesse. The CIC’s qualification programme trains apprentices as “energy scouts”, who then work to identify potential cost efficiencies in their business’s operations, as well as engaging all employees in the importance of energy management.

During the workshop hosted at Witzenhausen, apprentices from 5 different companies visited the paper mill and its on-site power plant, to study DS Smith’s stringent energy management processes. As part of the qualification process, the apprentices will develop their own energy efficiency project.

Mark Ketterle, General Manager of Witzenhausen Paper Mill, said:

“We are pleased to have been able to share our expertise in energy management with the Kassel CIC energy scout apprentices. Many companies have room for improvement in their energy management systems, and Witzenhausen Mill’s focus on investing in a sustainable future meant that we were delighted to host these apprentices as part of their training process.”
Paper mills across Europe