Innovation and mother nature paired in unique Veuve Clicquot packaging

Veuve Clicquot has a reputation both as a world-class champagne producer but also for caring about the environment. That reputation is even more well-deserved after the latest ground-breaking collaboration with DS Smith.


Create the most environmentally responsible packaging possible by incorporating the waste products of the champaign-making process.

Our Approach

Three years of research and development in collaboration with Veuve Clicquot and paper manufacturer Favini to create an elegant and unique product package using paper made from a blend of grape residue and natural fibres.


  • A new, 100% biodegradable and recyclable carton
  • Saved 5.2 tonnes of virgin fibre by using grape residue from the Veuve Clicquot manufacturing process as natural pigments to obtain a unique paper dyed in the mass.
  • Consistent eco-consciousness as the carton printing is based on solvent-free ink and varnish, and the pasted label is sugar-cane based.

The resulting packaging, known as Naturally Clicquot, is a powerful example of collaboration between DS Smith and Veuve Clicquot as we continue to push the boundaries of quality and eco-consciousness. 

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