DS Smith provides the dental industry with simple, effective solutions

Dentotal, a Danish dental equipment supplier, recently turned to DS Smith for a solution to unwieldy packaging and inefficient postage payments.

Dentotal sells and services dental equipment. As part of its efforts to supply a good service, the company wanted to make it simpler and cheaper for customers to return their equipment for repairs. Previously their customers would have to pay their own postage charges and source their own packaging materials.

However, we developed a smart-packaging product that made everything far more straightforward. We designed a box with two different lids. The customer’s name and address are stuck onto lid A, while Dentotal’s address and prepaid postage are printed on lid B.

Now when Dentotal sends a product to a customer, it folds the box so that lid A can be seen. After receiving the box, the customer keeps it and then folds it so that lid B, with the prepaid postage, can be seen when they need to send a product in for repair.

A simple solution and one that works superbly well according to Bente Kjehr, who is responsible for packaging at Dentotal. She says that “we can now provide our customers with a better service and we’re looking to develop similar packaging for our larger items”.

 We are committed to helping our customers work smarter and know that efficiency savings often translate into increased sales. 

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