DS Smith celebrates record year as part of Nestlé’s Alliance for YOUth

DS Smith is celebrating a record year as a participant in Nestlé’s “Alliance for YOUth” initiative. A total of 1970 total job opportunities for young people have been created by DS Smith in the last year.

The total is several times greater than the previous year as the programme has now been rolled out to all of DS Smith’s divisions and regions. The roll-out reflects not only DS Smith’s commitment to tackling youth unemployment in Europe but also the value that it brings to DS Smith.

Stefano Rossi, Packaging CEO of DS Smith

Youth unemployment has been a severe problem in Europe a number of years and we were very happy to join Nestlé as a partner in tackling this very serious issue. There is no question that together, this alliance has made a big impact already and is well-positioned to keep making an impact in the next few years.

— Stefano Rossi, Packaging CEO of DS Smith

“Plus, as a company, we really benefit from the skills, the enthusiasm and the professionalism of these young employees.”

The “Alliance for YOUth” is a business-driven initiative to promote youth employment in Europe. Initiated in 2014 by Nestlé, it now unites more than 200 large and small companies and has provided training and jobs for 115 000 young Europeans since 2014.

The companies have also set up more than 600 dual learning schemes across Europe and organized 10000 workshops to prepare young graduates for job interviews or support them entering the job market.

DS Smith participated in 50 employability events as part of the initiative, including CV writing clinics, job fairs, open days and more. In total, of the 1970 total job opportunities there were over 1000 regular young employees hired, almost 700 temporary young employees hired and over 200 students, apprentices and trainees.

230 000 more opportunities by 2020

In a meeting at the European Parliament today, Nestlé and the Alliance pledged to double their efforts and create 230 000 new opportunities for young Europeans between 2017 and 2020.

“DS Smith is a leading supplier of recycled corrugated packaging in Europe and innovation is a key part of our strategy as we continually strive to improve packaging products and processes. Having access to a pan-European motivated workforce who are eager to learn is a key part of our strategy,” continued Rossi from the European Parliament. 

The event involved European Commissioner for Employment Marianne Thyssen, several members of the European Parliament as well as youth organisations, representatives from the “Alliance for YOUth” companies and the education sector.

Speaking at the debate, European Commissioner for Employment Marianne Thyssen said: "The Alliance for Youth shows how investing in youth is also good for business. I am very pleased that it is stepping up its efforts with a new commitment under the European Alliance for Apprenticeships to offer 230 000 new placements to young people in Europe to secure their first foothold in the labour market. These alliances are making good headway to boost the employability of young people through quality apprenticeship and work opportunities."

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