DS Smith releases its Sustainability Review 2017

At DS Smith our business model places us right at the heart of the circular economy movement.

DS Smith is delighted to publish the Sustainability Review 2017 which celebrates achieving both CO2e and water reduction targets four years ahead of schedule, and reflects the DS Smith vision to be the leading supplier of sustainable packaging solutions.

Titled ‘Shaping the Circular Economy’ the report focuses on the role of DS Smith in the circular economy, both through its own integrated, closed-loop business model and through the Group’s focus on working with customers, to use packaging as an enabling tool in creating more efficient supply chains.

Building on last year’s review, DS Smith discusses the progress that has been made regarding each of their seven priority sustainability topics, their expanded stakeholder engagement strategy, and commitments for the coming year.

Ian Simm, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

Whilst we are always working to reduce our environmental impact and realise the potential of our people, as a leading supplier of packaging solutions we also recognise the role we can play in helping our customers operate more sustainably. We listen to our stakeholders, understand our impacts, assess new opportunities, and take action

— Ian Simm, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

Achievements over the last 12 months

  Our Business

  • 6% revenue growth increase, at constant currency
  • Increase in external benchmark scores, achieving 95B Management in CDP and Gold in EcoVadis
  • 330 Impact Centre workshops for customers and participation in a wide range of industry and stakeholder initiatives.

 Our Environment

  • 6.7% reduction in our emissions per tonne produced
  • 85% of sites FSC® certified
  • 100% of sites participated in the Sedex Self-Assessment Questionnaire, laying the foundations for further development in traceability and transparency activities.

  Our People

  • 19% reduction in accident frequency rate
  • 207 sites with zero lost time accidents, continuing our long-term goal towards a zero accident workplace
  • Continued contributions to our communities through the DS Smith Charitable Foundation.
Mark Greenwood, Group Health, Safety and Environment Director

We are proud to share our inspiring stories and to promote best practice across our business. By continuing to transparently measure our performance, we can challenge one another and ourselves to lead the way in sustainability.

— Mark Greenwood, Group Health, Safety and Environment Director