DS Smith Brand Logo: Tecnicarton

Packaging engineering

We design bespoke and multimaterial packaging for any industrial product that you need

We provide a large team of packaging engineers, responsible for advising and monitoring each of the projects.

They are distributed in each of our plants to offer a local and closer service, with complete availability for visits.


We help our customers:

  • To be more competitive in their projects, allowing them a cost reduction on their products
  • We focus our designs on total costs reduction: packaging, storage, supplying, distribution, inverse logistics, processes...
  • We guarantee with our solutions, security during transport and storage with tested packages


Their work begin on par with our customers, serving as packaging consultants and advising on possible solutions, materials and technologies to evaluate.

The development of the packaging continues in our design dentre, where the most advanced tools for design and prototiping are combined with a highly qualificated team.

Our standpoint of total costs reduction begins on the packaging design, in the way that it optimizes the costs of the entire supply chain:

  • Better manufacturing processes
  • Using less material
  • Faster packaging assembly
  • Storage optimization
  • Transport optimization
  • More parts in the same space
  • Without looses by damage